I facilitate change
Transforming your life, from the inside out
My purpose is to support others in the journey of transformation in service of living life fully. In this journey we become more of who we truly are and realize greater healing and wholeness. Navigating this journey can include grace and joy, especially when you walk it with a coach or guide.
Who am I?
I’ve been coaching for over 12 years, and have worked with thousands of people to help them reach their goals and dreams.
I’ve successfully supported people with:
Managing stress and recovering from burnout
Emerging from overwhelm and finding work life harmony
Creating a healthy lifestyle to impact weight loss and avoid diabetes
Living with autoimmune and other chronic illness
Transforming relationship with self and body
Developing the ability to thrive through challenges
Overcoming workplace struggles and being their best self at work and in their life
Resolving internal conflicts and conflicts with others
Creating, and actualizing, their dreams
Besides my advanced degree in Consciousness Studies, my work pulls from:
Coaching: Integrative Coaching, Motivational Interviewing, Enneagram, Somatics, Resilience
Nonviolent Communication
Integral Thinking
Positive Intelligence and Core Transformation
“I started working with Julie in 2021—at a time when life seemed really hard and none of the things I'd learned about taking care of myself and doing good work in the world were enough to keep me going anymore. I was feeling so adrift and confused, and so tired of having nothing solid to hold on to.
First, it was a gift to just be able to say this out loud to someone where I didn't feel I had to hold back about how I was feeling.
Looking back, I experienced a sea change across the months I worked with Julie. After 12 sessions across 6 months, I was in a different place. I had new ground underneath me. I'm sure I was learning how to pay attention to myself differently. I also magically came up with new and different ideas and strategies. I'd known already that I needed to restructure my (self-employed) work life dramatically but hadn't been able to imagine how. Now I had a plan.
And I had confidence enough again to reach out, research, try new things.
I worked with Julie for another 12 sessions at the start of 2022—when I was in the middle of the transition I'd imagined in 2021 and wanted support to see it through and evaluate how it was going. Now, a year later, I feel like I've come out the other side of the crucible. My work is going well. Many of my health challenges remain, but: after working with Julie, I regained the strength and trust to talk to new people and try new things. I now feel stronger and more stable overall. Most importantly, I feel like I can take care of myself (in ways that work!) and build a life that makes me feel like me.”
-Kyra Freestar, https://bridgecreekediting.com/